Some very important dates have been finalized! Here are the details for our last day of school and graduation for the class of 2025. 🏫 Last Day of School: May 23 *Reminder: Our calendar was revised – May 20 will be a normal school day! 🎓 Graduation: May 23 at 7:00pm *Seniors should arrive at GCHS at 5:30. *Doors will open to the public at 6:00. *Ceremony begins at 7:00. #BelieveInGC
over 55 years ago, Greenup County School District
Help us thank Amy and Patrick for all they do for our students!! It’s Athletic Trainer Appreciation Month, and we sure appreciate ours! They are knowledgeable, committed, and our students think the world of these two! Amy and Patrick do an excellent job and continually do more than is required of them to keep our students healthy! We’re thankful for our Athletic Trainers!! #BelieveInGC
over 55 years ago, Greenup County School District
Congrats to Addy, Ava, and Sophia! They won 3rd place in the Glockner Dare to Dream pitch contest! They pitched their “Stink Stop” stink bug trap, earning themselves not only 3rd place, but a $5,000 prize!! We appreciate Glockners, Shawnee State University, and everyone involved in providing this wonderful opportunity for students!! Congratulations, ladies!! #BelieveInGC
over 55 years ago, Greenup County School District
It's exciting to see new sports roll in for the year!! There are plenty of ways to join us this week right here at GC! #BelieveInGC
18 days ago, Greenup County School District
Please help us thank the men and women who keep GC going!! It's Maintenance & Grounds Crew Appreciation Day!! We were able to gather most of our crew today to celebrate this hard working crew! When asked what our community should know about this crew, Josh Brewer (Maintenance Director) couldn't praise them enough. "People have no clue... with 13 buildings and 80 acres of ground... there's a tremendous amount of labor and knowledge required to keep them all going," he said. Thank you to our groundskeepers, mechanics, HVAC techs, electricians, and sewer plant operators! We appreciate you!! #BelieveInGC
21 days ago, Greenup County School District
We witnessed an awesome collaboration today!! Mr. Cochran taught a U.S. History lesson to a class of Italian students this morning!! On their side of the globe, it was already afternoon and school had let out — but around 10 students stayed after school to learn! Dr. Armstrong often collaborates with teachers and classes from afar. One of her teacher-friends from Italy asked if she knew anyone who could teach her students a particular lesson about American history that is scarce in their textbooks. Mr. Cochran stepped up to help them out and delivered a great lesson to them through a live video chat! The students enjoyed it! Their teacher, Ms. Furiesi, said... It was a wonderful experience for students and me... I would like to continue our collaboration." Just as exciting, Ms. Furiesi offered to return the favor to our students who want to learn more about Italian history and literature. Could you imagine such a thing when you were in school? We think it's awesome! Great job, everyone! #BelieveInGC
22 days ago, Greenup County School District
This is Brian Fryer, and he’s been working toward improving what he calls “smiles per gallon”. It turns out that this student has truly been putting his learning to use. We found out that he’s been working on a very special project for years now, and it’s sure to make you smile. This young man is restoring the truck that his dad brought him home from the hospital in as a baby. Brian talks about his truck a lot — it’s a 1984 Chevy that he’s spent 2 years working on. He’s getting close to getting it back on the road, too. The last time this truck was on the road, Brian was half this size and riding in the passenger seat. “That’s the truck that Dad brought me home from the hospital in… and I’ve been asking him for it ever since I could talk,” Brian told us. We asked him what makes that truck more special than any other pickup truck, and Brian immediately replied that it’s all about the memories. “I rode with Dad everywhere in that truck… it’s what he used to drop me off at school in every day,” Brian said. Brian’s dad officially gave him the truck 2 years ago when he turned 14, and he’s been working on it ever since. Although Brian wasn’t old enough to drive at that time, he knew it would give them time to get the truck in good running order. Soon after, Brian also began taking Automotive classes, where he gets to learn skills that help him with his big project. Now 16 years old, Brian says his truck is getting close to being back on the road. We asked Brian if the countless hours of effort have been worth it. He immediately replied, “Oh yeah.” Brian continued, “Somebody told me one time that it’s not the miles per gallon that matters… it’s the smiles per gallon. Whenever I’m in that truck, I just smile like crazy.” In fact, by pure coincidence (if you believe in such a thing), Brain had just finished up taking a test over “engine repair” in Mr. Hayden’s automotive class when we showed up to take his picture. He passed, by the way!! Mr. Hayden bragged on what a great student Brian is. He’s also touched to see Brian honing the skills needed to finish his truck. Mr. Hayden added, “I’m proud of him… because I’ve been there before too.” There’s something about old things that we can hang on to. We’re so proud of this young man, and glad that his education can help him achieve something so important to him (in addition to what he learns from his dad). Rest assured we’ll follow up when his ‘84 Chevy starts frequenting the student parking lot! Well done, Musketeer! #BelieveInGC
23 days ago, Greenup County School District
This was such a great surprise to see unfold!! We actually had no idea that it was happening! We just happened to be visiting the band room when there was a knock on the door. Two young ladies from the basketball team came in with arms full of pizza! They asked if they could address the class, and proceeded to tell the band students how much the girls basketball team appreciated the music and support during their season. They and their coaches thought a surprise lunch would be a great way to say thanks!! We were truly impressed!! We love seeing our students supporting each other as a family. Kudos to the girls and their coaches for displaying great character! Great job Coach Kirk Ruggles and crew!!! #BelieveInGC
24 days ago, Greenup County School District
Congrats to Drew Boggs and Cooper Howard!! They are headed to the Indoor State Championship track meet!! Drew (middle) will be competing in the 60m hurdles and Cooper (right) will be competing in shot put!! Coach Frisbee is pictured to the left, and we're very excited that he's joined our program! We would also like to thank Coach Jones for all of his work with these students over the years!! Congrats gentlemen!! #BelieveInGC
28 days ago, Greenup County School District
Extremely exciting news for this Musketeer!! Cameron White has not only been accepted but has received a scholarship to EKU for music!! His years of practice and passion for clarinet will soon take him to the next level. He will study clarinet and... the bonus detail that makes us so happy... Music Education!! We're so proud of Cameron and excited for his future! He truly loves music, and we look forward to seeing him share that passion with the next generation. Congratulations, Mr. White! #BelieveInGC
29 days ago, Greenup County School District
What an emotional and special morning!! Ms. Davis has been making an immeasurable impact on students' lives. While she tries her hardest to avoid the spotlight — this morning she was celebrated during a surprise visit from the State FFA crew! We are so proud announce that Carrie Davis has been named a Kentucky Ag Educator of the Year Honoree, known as the "Golden Owl Award"!! Even better, the whole morning was a complete surprise! Staff were told that we might have some visitors... but that was it! Ms. Davis was completely blindsided! We invited her friends, family, students, and community members involved in Ag. When we saw how many people showed up for Ms. Davis, we got chills!! We hid them in a side room and they came out to surprise her just as the award was being announced. It truly was a wonderful moment to experience! Ms. Davis was given this honor based on people who nominated her, unbeknownst to anyone. There were literally pages upon pages of testimonials from former and current students shining a light on how much Ms. Davis has made an impact on their lives. It turns out that teaching agriculture is the vehicle through which Ms. Davis is able to carry out her calling of helping young people. It's something that's been coming to light more and more recently, and we are so grateful for it. Make no mistake, we are extremely grateful for Ms. Davis and all she does for our students!! Congratulations, Carrie, on this well deserved honor!!! #BelieveInGC
about 1 month ago, Greenup County School District
There’s a good chance that many of you reading this have been the topic of discussion in a very special classroom. Today we learned a lot about who kids’ heroes are… and it’s not who you’d expect. We happened to be walking down a hallway when we noticed these posters hanging one after another. It’s a common sight in schools, and we enjoy looking at them. Each poster had a heading that said “My hero is…”, which caught our eye. As we went down the line, we found that almost every one of them listed mom, dad, grandpa, grandma, or a close relative. Surprised, we asked a couple students passing by if they knew who made these. “Mr. Plummer’s English class,” the students said. You probably guessed it – we were off to find Mr. Plummer. Here’s what he had to say about this project. “I do this public speaking project every year and love it. It started about 15 years ago. I just know that a lot of people don’t have storybook lives… and I wanted kids to understand that real-life heroes don’t wear capes. They are ordinary people who do extraordinary things when they don't have to. So once a year, we write speeches in celebration of our heroes.” We were incredibly moved to hear this, and immediately asked how students respond to this assignment. Mr. Plummer replied, “They love it. We do a lot of crying and sobbing… and it’s the greatest stuff ever.” We were a bit surprised and asked if he was being serious. “Oh yeah, absolutely! I cry more than they do, but I have students get so moved by it that they can’t even speak. I remind them that it’s okay… the fact that it moves you just shows how special our heroes really are.” You are reading this right – classrooms full of students cry together as they share about their grandmas, grandpas, moms, dads, uncles, and foster parents. When asked who their heroes are, these are the answers that they give. You don’t have to take Mr. Plummer’s word for it, either. We had a chat with one of his classes, and they all agreed. In fact, we asked the classroom of students to raise their hands if they felt moved by *really* reflecting on their heroes. To our great surprise, they all raised their hands immediately. Mr. Plummer softly added, “That’s why we do it.” We also found out about “Compliment Wednesdays”, which is a weekly tradition in his class, but that’s a complete story in itself. We’ll conclude with a very important question we had for Mr. Plummer. We asked, “You obviously love what you do… why is teaching so important to you?” Here is what he had to say. “I started off as an electrician. I ended up volunteering at my church’s school and found my passion. I’ve been at GC for 20 years, and every day I get the chance to make a difference in somebody’s life. That’s what I try to do… if it’s just one person.” To that, we can't thank Mr. Plummer enough. We were so moved by learning about this incredible project. Mr. Plummer – you are one of our heroes! We’re so fortunate to have a teacher creating such a meaningful experience for our students. #BelieveInGC
about 1 month ago, Greenup County School District
Greenup County Schools will be closed on Friday, February 21. Temperatures will be dropping tonight and in the morning, which will only worsen our roads and the conditions for students waiting on a bus. We hope you are all warm and safe as we eagerly await better weather! #BelieveInGC
about 1 month ago, Greenup County School District
Musketeers, many areas still have icy roads that are not ready for school buses or student drivers. The forecast shows another round of snow this evening. Please stay safe and warm. #BelieveInGC
about 1 month ago, Traysea Moresea
Charlie and Linus miss school being open.
Our team started traveling roads at 3 am to make this tough decision. We were hopeful the forecast would be incorrect because we prefer seeing our students in school. For safety, we must close. Please stay safe today as the accumulations are predicted to increase. #BelieveInGC
about 1 month ago, Traysea Moresea
School Closed for Snow  Lucy is Unhappy
Greenup County Schools will be on a 2 hour delay tomorrow, February 18. Our crews will be checking roads early tomorrow morning to reassess conditions. If they find cause for concern, we will communicate any changes of plans to you promptly. We hope everyone is safe and warm. #BelieveInGC
about 1 month ago, Greenup County School District
Greenup County Schools will be closed tomorrow, February 17 due to flooding. Many roads throughout our district are flooded, making travel unsafe. Please use caution and be prepared for high water if driving. We hope that everyone is safe and that water levels will lower soon. #BelieveInGC
about 1 month ago, Greenup County School District
Musketeers, as promised, we are updating you on a change of plans. Tomorrow, Wednesday 2/12/25, will be a snow day in Greenup County. Stay safe and we hope you can have some fun in the snow. We hope to see you soon. #BelieveInGC
about 2 months ago, Traysea Moresea
Snow Day
Our team has been monitoring the weather forecast for several days. As much as we hoped, this storm is not likely to miss us. Please be alert for our updates this week as we navigate this next round of weather. Tomorrow will be an NTI Day. Stay safe and warm. #BelieveInGC
about 2 months ago, Traysea Moresea
NTI Day for Greenup County
This week’s schedule features our JV and Varsity cheerleaders competing at Nations in Florida! We’re so proud of these young ladies and their coaches! #BelieveInGC
about 2 months ago, Greenup County School District