Help us wish the GC Cheerleaders safe travels as they head to the airport for the national championship!! At lunchtime they received a proper “send off” with applause and encouragement!!
The next time they are here… they may be 18X National Champions!

Please help us plan for the '25-'26 school year by taking our Title 1 Parent and Family Involvement Survey!
Thank you, and...

This young lady is heading to Nationals for Jr. Beta!!! After her solo dance routine placed her in the top 5 at the state level, Aaliyah Wolfenbarker will move on to the national convention at Disney World in Orlando!!
We sensed something special about this story right away when Aaliyah told us, “I want to show them what I’m capable of and represent my school... I'm really excited about that."
Students get to choose the talent they showcase, and the options range from speech to robotics. Aaliyah decided to do what she loves most – dance! Aaliyah has been dancing for 8 years now, and is thrilled that her passion for dance is providing her with a very exciting opportunity!
We couldn’t help but notice that Aaliyah has a goal. Several times throughout our conversation, she mentioned wanting to represent our small town.
“When we were at State, I’d tell people we were from McKell Middle in Greenup County… and a lot of people didn’t know where that was,” Aaliyah said. “If I go to Nationals and win, maybe more people will recognize us next time and remember where we’re from,” she continued.
It turns out that this young lady hopes to use her passion for dance so that people will remember the small-town community she loves… Greenup County. Even more, she’s excited to show what students from GC are capable of.
Aaliyah, we’re so proud of you – and it doesn’t matter how big the stage is. Your desire to use your talents for something bigger than yourself is inspiring, and it’s far more important than any trophy! We’re behind you, and proud to have you representing GC!

Thank you WSAZ and Marlee Pinchok for visiting us, uplifting our students, and shining a light on the upcoming Greenup County School of Innovation!!
Our students were so excited to be celebrated, and our amazing staff appreciated it as well!!

Will your child be 3 or 4 years old by August 1st?! They may qualify for preschool at Greenup County!!
We're preparing for the upcoming school year. We would appreciate it so much if you'd help us by letting us know if you have interest in your child starting preschool!!
Use this form to let us know, and we will send you an application! We will also have in-person early enrollment on February 28 and March 7, from 8:00am - 3:00pm at our Central Office!
You can also give us a call at (606) 473-9819 with any questions! Just ask for Melanie!

Congratulations to these middle school students for making the All-District Band!! They joined other students from far and wide to put on a performance at Morehead State University!!
Way to go, Esther Burton, Kennedy Melvin, and Josie Geyer!!!

Today, we thank Sandy Mosser as we continue to celebrate our school board!! Sandy is incredibly kind and cares that our students are reached. She also has an adventurous spirit, so it makes perfect sense that she picked The Musketeer Alumni Complex ( The MAC) as something she’s most proud of this year!
As soon as we asked about her most proud moment this year, she immediately said, “The MAC!” She delighted in telling us that she loves seeing students practicing in The MAC. “It’s such a nice space… it’s safe, and a great place for our students to be after school,” she said.
Her caring nature led her to quickly think of parents, too. “It helps families out… having a nice additional space makes rides to and from practice easier on everyone,” Sandy explained. In fact, this point was one of the big motivators behind The MAC. More space allows multiple teams to practice at the same time, reducing the need to drive to and from school unnecessarily.
Sandy ended by telling us, “I just love GC.” When we asked her to explain, she put it perfectly. “It’s family oriented, and everyone I see is caring and motivated,” she said. Sandy concluded, “There’s no limits on what we can do, and we’re showing it.”
Thank you for all you do for the students of GC, Sandy!! We appreciate you and are grateful to have you on our board!!

We need your help, Musketeer family!! We love to celebrate… and we want to include you in our content!! We want to start highlighting the ways our alumni are making an impact!
So here’s the ask! Use this form to tell us about who is out there making a difference. Maybe they are a 20 year old who is doing a great job in their career at an early age. Maybe they are a person who does a great job at supporting and uplifting others in the community.
Whatever the case may be, tell us about it!! We can’t wait to see who you have in mind, and hopefully, start highlighting them soon!
Thanks in advance for helping us extend how we celebrate our Musketeer family! #BelieveInGC

Greenup County will be on a 2-hour delay tomorrow January 23, 2025. Buses that are running limited routes are in contact with families to make arrangements. We are excited to see you tomorrow Musketeers! Warm breakfast and knowledge will be waiting for you! #BelieveInGC

Please help us congratulate Gage Gullett and Cooper Howard for being named to the ADI's All-Area Football team!! Gullett (#58) and Howard (#56) both play offensive and defensive line!
We'll be following up with each player named to the team!
Congratulations, Musketeers!

It’s School Board Appreciation Month, and we sure do appreciate ours!! We thought we’d kick off our board member highlights with our chairperson, Mary Kay McGinnis-Ruark!
This year we thought we’d conduct our highlights with one simple question. We asked what they’re most proud of, either in the past year or for the upcoming year.
Mary Kay didn’t hesitate for a second! “The Jesse Stuart Institute,” she said! Mary Kay explained how the JSI will allow students to further their education in a big way without having to move away from home during their high school years.
“Programs like the Craft Academy and Gatton Academy are wonderful, but some students don’t want to leave home yet… or they’re not ready to,” she said. We think many of you who are parents can appreciate this, too. Mary Kay continued, “The Jesse Stuart Institute is the same experience, but right here at home.”
She summed it up with a sense of pride that so many of us share – “And we’re the only ones who have it.” Indeed, we are so excited for Musketeers to enjoy this rare opportunity! We strive to offer our rural community opportunities that, in many cases, aren’t available to most.
Please help us extend our appreciation to Chairperson Mary Kay McGinnis-Ruark! GC would not be able to do what we do without such a supportive and forward-thinking chairperson. Mary Kay, thank you for your service to the students of Greenup County Schools! We appreciate you!

GCSD will utilize NTI on January 21st and 22nd. The forecasted temperature is as low as 2 degrees with frostbite warnings. We want our kids in school as much as parents, but we also want everyone safe. We would greatly appreciate it if someone could locate Elsa and calm her down. - Supt. Moresea #BelieveInGC

We look forward to welcoming you to a family meeting about the new Jesse Stuart Institute!! Here are the details:
📅 January 23
⏰ 5:30 p.m.
📍 GCHS Library
⚠️The meeting is primarily intended for this year's Sophomore's, who will be the first class eligible to enroll. Families of younger students interested in their future opportunities are welcome to attend as well.
🎉 The Jesse Stuart Institute is GC's new Early College Program that will provide the opportunity for Musketeers to earn an Associate's degree and high school diploma at the same time. It will begin the '25-'26 school year.
We can't wait to see you on January 23 for an exciting and informative evening! #BelieveInGC

We lovingly remember Mr. Ron Cartee, who was a wonderful alumnus and advocate for Greenup County Schools. In fact, Mr. Cartee was a GC Hall of Fame member. Luckily, we found an assortment of photos we took during his induction ceremony. We absolutely love his genuine and happy smile in this candid photo, where he was in the company of family, old friends, and fellow Greenup Countians.
Mr. Cartee was a graduate of McKell High School before it was unified into Greenup County Schools. He was known as an ambitious and hard working student who became a student leader in the school band and FFA, amongst other things. Cartee even caught the favor of Jesse Stuart, who wrote glowing recommendations for Cartee. Cartee was Stuart’s student and also did work on his farm.
Mr. Cartee went on to Morehead State to study business, where he met his wife, Diane. His studies would prove to be the perfect focus for young Ronald Cartee. With the support of his wife, he became a successful businessman who was known for kindness and generosity.
Cartee never forgot the children of Greenup County and the power of education. If you look back at our posts throughout the years, you can find many that show him visiting and talking to our students.
Cartee donated thousands of books to Greenup County Schools, many being Jesse Stuart books. He and Diane also set up scholarships to benefit Greenup County students pursuing higher education. He truly believed in education and literacy, and was an advocate of such for our students.
We extend our condolences to the Cartee family. Once again, we applaud Mr. Cartee for being a wonderful example of what Greenup County children can accomplish – and we will fondly remember all he did for our students.

This week's schedule features our boys basketball team playing a team from Australia!! GC played against Eltham at the Carolina Invitational over holiday break!!

Please help us welcome and congratulate Matt Tussey for becoming the newest member of our School Board! Many of you may already know Matt – he’s a lifelong Greenup resident and has been a figure at our local golf course since his days in high school! For those of you who do not, allow us to officially introduce our new board member.
Matt Tussey is a “Greenup guy” through and through. “It’s where my parents went, where I went, and where I wanted my own kids to go,” Matt said. In fact, he graduated from GC with his wife, Emily, in 2001. Now their children, Michael (8) and Maverick (6), are Musketeers as well!
If you don’t know Matt as a GC graduate or parent, you may know him from his long history at River Bend Golf Club. He is the Superintendent and Pro at the course after working his way up from washing golf carts in 1999.
When we asked Matt what made him interested in becoming a board member he explained that the idea came from seeing the value of board members when his father served on our board years ago. Matt summed up his reason for wanting to serve, which makes it so evident that he will be a wonderful addition.
“I love GC and I believe in public schools. I want to do all I can to make GC the best it can be for our students, and that includes my own kids,” Matt said.
Congratulations and welcome to the Greenup County School Board! We are grateful to have you in this position! #BelieveInGC

Musketeers, tomorrow, Jan. 7, 2025, will be an NTI Day. We are grateful to have electricity in our area so this can occur. All schools have made arrangements to be flexible with students during this time. Stay safe and warm, and enjoy today! #BelieveInGC

Due to the severe winter storm, GCSD will be closed tomorrow January 6, 2025. Please stay safe and stay home if possible. We will evaluate plans for Tuesday early tomorrow afternoon. Pray for our first responders and emergency teams assisting in this weather.

Please help us thank Mrs. Barb Gullett for her many years serving the children of GC! You can see her in the top photo serving students lunch for the last time of her career, which began in 1998. Her recent position has been the driving force behind our district’s food service, which ensures that our students are never left hungry.
Barb’s retirement fell during our holiday break and the timing seems to be perfect for her – she gets to stay settled into her life at home. As you can see from the bottom picture, Mrs. Gullett recently became a grandmother (our office gifted books to each other, which will be donated to classrooms).
She’s hardly been able to contain the joy her twin grandchildren give her, and she is looking forward to being at home so she can spend time with them.
Barb has always shown great joy, though. She takes great pride in what our school kitchens accomplish – making sure our students are well fed and never having to worry about being hungry while trying to learn. She truly is passionate about this, and we appreciate service to the students of Greenup County.
Thank you, Barb, and congratulations!! We hope you enjoy your retirement and time with your growing family!

We are so excited to share this news with you!! Introducing the Jesse Stuart Institute – coming next school year!!
The Jesse Stuart Institute (JSI) is our very own Early College Program that will provide the opportunity for Musketeers to earn their high school diploma and a full associate's degree at the same time.
Many students and families will really appreciate this next detail...
Students in JSI will still be considered Greenup County students, which means you can still participate in all the extra curricular activities and daily events at school!
Through collaboration with our partners such as KCTCS, students can begin college in grade 11 and graduate with both a high school and an associate's degree relating to their future career.
The Jesse Stuart Institute will be open to incoming Juniors, so we encourage our Sophomores and their families to discuss this opportunity! We will share more information after break.
We appreciate the many people who have worked so hard to bring this to life! We can’t wait to provide our Musketeers with this wonderful opportunity!