Meet Mrs. McBride! She’s a first year teacher here at GC, and the story of how she got here is a great one! She actually has a business degree and originally had a career in hotel, event, and retail management. Something wasn’t quite right, though. When Mrs. McBride was a kid, her favorite thing was to “play teacher”. She said that she had a little chalkboard and desks for the imaginary children she was teaching! Feeling a pull toward education, she took a leap of faith all those years later. For the next 8 years, she subbed and eventually became a teacher’s aid. At that point, she knew she wanted to keep going and become a teacher. “It was intimidating, because I worked with great teachers,” she said, being nervous to have her own classroom. Seeing her in her classroom today, it’s clear that she was worried over nothing. “I definitely made the right choice… I’m finally where I need to be,” she concluded with a kind smile. We couldn’t be happier that you’ve found your “home” teaching here at GC, Mrs. McBride! We can’t wait to see all the wonderful learning that takes place in your classroom! #BelieveInGC
11 months ago, Greenup County School District
Mrs. McBride
Mrs. McBride
Home games and matches October 2-7, 2023! #BelieveInGC
11 months ago, Greenup County School District
Oct 2-7 Home Games
Today is National Custodian Appreciation Day! We hope you'll help us in thanking the unsung heroes who keep our school and facilities clean! Thank you to all our custodians here in GC! We appreciate you! #BelieveInGC
11 months ago, Greenup County School District
Custodian Appreciation!
YSL Basketball is about to begin for elementary students!! You can find more info and sign up using the link below!
11 months ago, Greenup County School District
YSL Basketball
Another huge move forward in agricultural education in GC! Greenup County Farm Bureau delivered a check to McKell Middle School in support of their developing agriculture classes! Great learning is taking place at MMS that will develop real-life skills and knowledge. The students expressed how much they love being in agriculture classes, and the teachers are excited for them to see the relationship between agriculture, science, and math! Please help us thank our local Farm Bureau! Make sure to check out the captions with each photo! #BelieveInGC
11 months ago, Greenup County School District
MMS Agriculture
MMS Agriculture
MMS Agriculture
MMS Agriculture
MMS Agriculture
MMS Agriculture
We want our GC community to be able to join in fellowship, connected by our common goal of supporting the amazing things happening at Greenup County Schools! Join us on November 4 for our first ever “Friends of GC” dinner at Greenbo’s Jesse Stuart Lodge, hosted by the GC Alumni Association! We’re celebrating 50 years of Musketeers! Catfish and herb-roasted chicken will be served along with delicious sides and dessert! There will be live acoustic music and singing courtesy of long time GC teacher and administrator Aaron Collier. There will also be prizes as well as many amazing items up for raffle. The best part is that many are made by GC students! The price to attend is $50 per plate (tax deductible). A social hour begins at 6:00 with dinner starting at 7:00. All proceeds go to GCAA’s efforts of providing student scholarships and support for staff. We will not be able to host this event unless we have enough people to cover the cost of the lodge and catering, so please contact Nathan Sutton with your intentions to attend by Oct. 16. (606) 473-9848 or **A block of rooms are available should you want to stay. #BelieveInGC #50YearsOfMusketeers
11 months ago, Greenup County School District
Friends of GC Dinner
Home games, matches, and meets this week at GC! #BelieveInGC
11 months ago, Greenup County School District
Home Games Sept 25
Thank you to Pam Smith from DESCO! She’s visiting Ms. Conley’s class to help our Musketeer 101 students with financial education! Most GC freshmen take Musketeer 101, where they learn how to be responsible with finances. They are currently preparing for a reality fair where they will put their knowledge to the test!! Thank you for providing our students with very important knowledge today!! #BelieveInGC
11 months ago, Greenup County School District
Pam Smith DESCO
It's "Senior Night" for boys soccer!! Join us at the field at 6:00 pm to support!! #BelieveInGC
12 months ago, Greenup County School District
Boys Soccer
GC Student Council is excited to announce the theme for GC Spirit Week! This is for the week of Oct. 9-13, with the parade taking place on that Thursday evening! Note: on Tuesday (Color Wars), each school will designate the colors students will wear. #BelieveInGC
12 months ago, Greenup County School District
Spirit Week
Do you remember when we 80 teachers give up time during summer break to get trained on Project Based Learning? Well, this is one of those teachers. Meet Ms. Gamble! Here is what she had to say when we asked about her thoughts on moving forward with new ideas for the classroom. GC is blessed to have teachers who are willing to do what's best for students in this ever-changing world! "Children are born with curious minds and they have a voice to express that curiosity. As teachers, we should encourage their curiosity and creativity. Our students are our future... and with some guidance and encouragement the future will be in great hands." #BelieveInGC
12 months ago, Greenup County School District
Ms. Gamble
Please help us congratulate Byron Nunley!! This Musketeer is a semi-finalist to become a National Merit Scholar! Students are identified for this based on their PSAT scores, and Byron’s scores were near the top of the charts. He actually received a perfect score in some areas! There is a lot more to this young man than a sharp mind, though! His father informed us that he is a black belt in Bujutsu MMA (Byron never mentioned it)! Perhaps that’s why his teachers and staff say that his greatest quality is how humble he is. The list of school activities that he is involved in is nearly half a page, but he takes part in everything from cross country, marching band, Future Business Leaders, and student council!   When we talked to Byron, we were humbled by his response as to how he arrived at such a well-rounded senior year. He credited his teachers and counselors for being "super nice and supportive." He also credited his fellow students for being so inclusive and involving him. For example, he explained that he joined the soccer team after not playing for years due to encouragement from his classmates.   As you can imagine, we are very proud of Byron. We wish him the best as he continues through the process of becoming a National Merit Scholar. Good luck, young man! This is just one of the many extraordinary things he’s going to accomplish! #BelieveInGC
12 months ago, Greenup County School District
Byron Nunley
Big thanks to the United Way for their generosity in supporting GC’s Family Resource Youth Service Centers (FRYSC)! For anyone who doesn’t know what a FRYSC does, they discreetly help GC students and families with anything from providing clothes, school supplies, to food to take home. We appreciate United Way for supporting our FRYSC’s!! #BelieveInGC
12 months ago, Greenup County School District
United Way
Congrats to GC Volleyball for fighting hard at the State 2A Championships! Special shoutout to GC's own Peyton Powell for being selected for the 2A All Tournament Team!! You don't have to bring home a trophy to say you've won. Great job Lady Musketeers! GC is proud of you representing us well at state!! #BelieveInGC
12 months ago, Greenup County School District
GC Volleyball State Championships
The first Cross Country meet to be hosted here at The Farm in 10 years is happening on Tuesday!! Come down to The Farm tomorrow at 5pm and show these runners the support they deserve! It's an awesome experience! #BelieveInGC
12 months ago, Greenup County School District
GC Cross Country
GC remembers September 11, 2001. Today we have witnessed teaching, remembrance, and moments of silence in our schools for all of those affected. Our students and staff have big hearts, and we wanted you to know that today is one of deep respect here at GC. #BelieveInGC
12 months ago, Greenup County School District
Remembering 9/11
Don't miss Friday Night Lights at The Farm!! Let's keep the energy going!! Tonight at 7:30!! #BelieveInGC 📸 Jacob Smith!!
12 months ago, Greenup County School District
Football 9/8/23
Seniors at GC experienced an awesome morning! Student Council did an amazing job planning "Senior Sunrise" this morning! Seniors gathered at The Farm to enjoy music, donuts, and fellowship while watching the sunrise together! It was a great experience! #BelieveInGC
12 months ago, Greenup County School District
Here is the “at home” sports schedule for the next week!! GC sports are having a great year!! Spread the word! #BelieveInGC
12 months ago, Greenup County School District
Sports Sept 4-15
Parents and guardians can use the following link to provide consent for your student to receive medical services through KDMC. KDMC staff visit Greenup County schools to provide care, when needed, to students right in their school building! For any questions, contact Kryston Bennett at (606) 408-9507.
about 1 year ago, Greenup County School District
KDMC Consent